tisdag 14 oktober 2008

Nej, nej, javisst!

Det är September i Paradiset. Inte Diset som ligger i Örnsberg:

En viss person sa så här till amerikanska Senatens Bank Kommitté fast på engelska:

“There were some that said we should just go and stick capital in the banks, put preferred stocks, stick capital in the banks. And that’s what you do when you have failures. You know, that’s what happened in Japan. That’s what happened in other spots. And we have dealt with some failures. And we’ve dealt with them where there’s capital. But we said, the right way to do this is not going around and using guarantees or injecting capital, and there’s been various proposals to do that, but to use market mechanisms.”

Sen gick det två dagar och samma person talar till Kongressens Finansmarknads Kommitté:

“There are a number of plans which say, ‘Let’s go to the root of the problem. Let’s just put capital in those institutions which we think are troubled.’ And that is one about dealing with failure, OK? And when you put capital in, that’s the Japanese solution. They were in a very long recession for many years, but what they did is they came in — you know, you put capital in the banks and then the government is essentially, in many ways, running them. So you’re sticking preferred stock in. What we are trying to do, we’re trying to take a different approach, which is, this is a different situation than anything you can find historically.”

Nej, nej några japanska lösningar är inte bra. Det räcker med att Toyota är världens största bilmärke.

Så idag en knapp månad senare tisdagen 14 okober den har samma person ändrat sig en smula, typ 180 grader:

“Today I am announcing that the Treasury will purchase equity stakes in a wide array of banks and thrifts. Government owning a stake in any private U.S. company is objectionable to most Americans – me included. … From the $700 billion financial rescue package, Treasury will make $250 billion in capital available to U.S. financial institutions in the form of preferred stock. … Our goal is to see a wide array of healthy institutions sell preferred shares to the Treasury, and raise additional private capital, so that they can make more loans to businesses and consumers across the nation.”

Det är tur att den här killen inte är finansminister i USA i varje fall.

Jaså, är han.

Källa: New York Times 14 oktober 2008

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